August 11, 2020

Are you stuck in isolation? Are sweats your uniform for 2020? 
While we can't exactly get to Coachella or the South of France like we had planned, we CAN get to our kitchens and whip up a little iso cocktail, or two!

So, today we're behind the bar and serving you our iso-cocktail of choice; Malibu Froze!
It's super easy to make and is guaranteed to get you in the mood to throw on a bikini, snap some selfies and remember that YOU GOT THIS!! 👊🏼💖
iixiist iixiigirls frankiiswim frankii frose froze malibu isolation covid19 covid
Mix - Blend - Sip! 
Enjoy every drop and tag us from your kitchen so we can clink glasses, together!
Cheers, #iixiigirls  💖
(ps - you can substitute the peach wedges for any sweet fruits you have at home)

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